Our easy-to-use Find Best Asset quiz guides you step-by-step to identify the ideal asset for you to donate, given your unique situation. Find Best Asset helps you make an informed decision about your gift that maximizes your impact while aligning with your financial goals.
Simply answer a few quick questions, and you'll get a personalized recommendation to give cash, appreciated securities, or a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from your IRA. Start now and see how you can make the most of your charitable giving!
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Want to see some of the best collectibles, antiques and other finds without leaving home? Check out our Goodwill® online sales.
If you’re unsure whether your item qualifies for a tax deduction, then consider this: if you would give it to a relative or friend, then the item is most likely in good condition and is appropriate to donate. For a guide to help with values check out these IRS Donation Guidelines.